Monday, July 6, 2009

I have a Mac computer and want to build a website... is there a good compatible program that is easy

I would like to know if there is a good web hosting site that you would also recommend. Perhaps one that includes a site builder program that is compatible for Mac or Windows users. I would like to build a comprehensive informational website (I have the time and interest but no programming knowledge) and would like to be able to work on the website from several different locations using either a Windows XP and/or a Mac computer. (My daughter is a professional graphic designer who will be contributing to this endeavor using a Mac computer.) Any positive help is greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance.

I have a Mac computer and want to build a website... is there a good compatible program that is easy to learn?

If you%26#039;re not familiar with html codes, you should start out with WYSIWYG kind of software. Your best bet would be Dreamweaver from Adobe. Besides being transparent between the both OSes, most of their products are the must in Graphics field. So any of your daughter%26#039;s works would be easily placed on the pages.

Since you have time on your hand, you can pick up the HTML skills as you go along by viewing html codes from your page in Dreamweaver.

IMO, it%26#039;s the fastest way to get your web pages going.


I have a Mac computer and want to build a website... is there a good compatible program that is easy to learn?

Well, the Mac comes with a web building program called iWeb... but you won%26#039;t be able to work on it with a Windows machine. Plus its pretty limiting.

The best way to build a site is to do it from scratch, using a text editor and previewing with a web browser. If you have the time, check out a book called %26quot;Stylin%26#039; with CSS.%26quot; It will teach you the basics on how to code using html and cascading style sheets.

This way, you will be able to work on your site from anywhere with an internet connection, and ftp program and a text editor. Its also very rewarding.

For hosting, I use Media Temple.

Good luck to you.

Other Replys:I閳ユ獡 using a great online company called Sitesell. This is the very first time I have ever built a website, so I needed a company who could take me by the hand, step by step!

I have nothing but praise for them! They make EVERYTHING so easy! They supply all of the online training, simple (yet incredibly sophisticated tools) and excellent support.

There is small annual hosting fee to pay but that includes all of the above plus your domain registration. They even supply the templates for designing your site! And don%26#039;t worry about html coding or other techy stuff as that%26#039;s all taken care of for you!

My site is only 18 months old. but It閳ユ獨 already very highly ranked by the major search engines and is attracting more than 30,000 visitors a month閳?.and rising! Plus it generates a substantial income (mainly from advertising) which not only well exceeds the running costs, but actually shows a very healthy profit!

You can get more details from my information page at:

Best wishes

Other Replys:Well You might find my Answer a little irrelevant, but in fact it is not.

You have asked for a website builder that is compatible with mac. Unfortunately I do not know of any. But....

I have an alternative. If you have a high speed permanent internet connection, why not try an online website builder.

Before I boast about that, let me first point out how much will a downloadable site builder help you.

A website builder will simply create your website and put it online.

From There you are on your own.

The key to success online with your website is to generate traffic of your own. And your site builder wont tell you how to do it.

While Site Build It - the program that I recommend, not only builds a website but also shows you the right path to succeed online. It helps you when you face glitches. It tells how to start your snowball of success rolling.

With SBI%26#039;s Action guide it wont let you astray, it will be there always to help you. No site building Software does that does it.

And when you are really in trouble, the other SBI owners are always there to help you in their forums.

Do check out results of this product at

SBI does not promise you get rich quick but guides through the success process. It requires effort, information and perseverence on you part. And if you give it to SBI, SBI will deliver.

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