Does anyone know any good web hosting sites that are fully compatible with office 2007 (access, front page) as well as being value for money? Don%26#039;t wan%26#039;t any tools, just hosting. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you
Good website package?
I would like to suggest following webhosting which I use, they are excellent.
They offer hosting of %26quot;unlimited domains%26quot; and you will get massive webspace of 1500000 MB (1500 GB ). They only charge $5.95/month and they offer %26quot;a free Domain Name%26quot; and installing service called %26quot;Fantastico%26quot;. By using Fantastico, you could create own forum, photo gallery, shopping cart (e-commerce),your own auction site and your own blogs within few seconds. They also offer %26quot;Free Website Builder%26quot; as well.
Visit the site to check details.
More the list of BEST WEB HOSTING sites visit
Good website package?
I use Fasthosts and I think they are great value for money. They have different levels of hosting from basic to advanced. The most basic hosting is 鎷?.99 per month.
Other Replys:First of all, don%26#039;t use Office 2007/FrontPage to write web pages; they%26#039;re both horrible for doing this. Learn how to write web pages properly; you%26#039;ll be thankful in the future when you don%26#039;t have to debug MS%26#039;s proprietary HTML rubbish.
Learn HTML and XHTML. Learn different technologies like PHP, Ajax, javascript, etc. but learn how to do it to the web standards.
Any decent web hosting will offer what you want plus the LAMP option (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP), on which most of the Internet is run.
Other Replys:i use office live basics, run by microsoft and absolutely free!
Other Replys:The Microsoft database for web use (if you insist on Microsoft - it%26#039;s the 3rd best choice for web architecture - and %26quot;anything else%26quot; is in second place) is SQL Server, not Access.
Front Page is only usable if the host supports Front Page extensions. (FP adds its own code to your code - you have no control over that - which is a good reason to NOT use it. The fact that MS no longer supports it is another.)
Other Replys:I am hosting my website at . You can also give them a try. First month free.
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