Google%26#039;s cache of my page was retrieved on Sep 30, 2007.
But I%26#039;ve already changed my web hosting company and submit my a completely new page on Sep 15, 2007.
Why Google not index the new page but going back to my previous web hosting company?
Google%26#039;s cache?
By removing your url you will not get indexed for 6 months...YIKES. A better way is to get out as many backlinks as possible on hi PR sites. The google spiders will find your links and recrawl your site. (you could have added your link here in yahoo answers...hint)
Google%26#039;s cache?
The cache of most services like Google are always going to be a little old. Of course they could force this to update more frequently but that could potentially put a huge strain on their servers. For a service that isn%26#039;t used by even 1/2 of it%26#039;s users it seems unlikely that this wont happen.
However what you can do is remove the url from the search index and when it pulls it down a second time it%26#039;ll have the latest snapshot of your page. To do this go to the following address. I believe you%26#039;ll need a Google account as well.
Good luck,
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