Monday, July 6, 2009

What are some good webhosting services?

I have a domain name and I%26#039;m looking for a paid web hosting service.

Anyone have some good recommendations?

What are some good webhosting services?

There are a few things to consider when you%26#039;re choosing a host, such as what sort of site you%26#039;re going to have and what features you will need. There%26#039;s a lot more to it than just bandwidth and file storage space...

There%26#039;s also a free web host you might want to consider. I found this one recently... no ads, and FTP access, and all the full features you%26#039;d expect. Obviously you%26#039;ll want something more stable for your real site, but it%26#039;s a good launching point for building and experimenting, and you can always point your domain name when you%26#039;re ready to upgrade to paid hosting, and use the free account to build a blog related to your site and create some links... the more links, the better you%26#039;ll do on the search engines.

What are some good webhosting services?

It depends on how much you%26#039;re willing to spend. Recently, I found what looks like a really great place if you want a small personal website -

Other Replys:

All of these are pretty good

Other Replys:Cheat Fusion Hosting!

The BEST Web Hosting Services by the #1 Website hosting provider: Plans Starting from $6.99 a Month, Over 100 Free website tools, PHP, SiteStudio, FREE domain, 300GB web space, 3000 GB traffic, FREE Website Builder, Free Marketing Tools, Free cPanel, Free Emails, 24/7 Support with 1 hour Guaranteed Responce...

Other Replys:Hi there, I believe that you could go with webhostingpad. They are reliable and go for newbies like you to start with them. Now their promotion is free 1 year domain name and 1 year unlimited domain hosting for just $46.40 after discount. If you need the discount coupon code for webhostingpad that work, you can go to : , I guarantee this coupon code 100% working. Hope this could help you!

Other Replys:I suggest JagPC for you with the Gigadeal - Shared Hosting Plan you get :

Disk Storage Space : 17,000 MB

Data Transfer (Bandwidth) : 210 Gb per month

Multi-hosted Domains : UNLIMITED

Domain Parking : UNLIMITED

Sub-Domains : UNLIMITED



Email Accounts : UNLIMITED

All that for just : $7.97/mo

More info :

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