Monday, July 6, 2009

I need a free, open user, forum for my website (no logins)?

i have made a site on a free web hosting site, i want people to sign a guest page. but i don%26#039;t want to have a full blown forum. because most people don%26#039;t want to register. im hoping for a linkable page. that has a list of what other users have posted. then a text box with a user name box... so they can enter there name and text..and its added to the page... any one able to help me.

I need a free, open user, forum for my website (no logins)?

If you%26#039;re going to allow anonymous guests to post, the next question is, will you be approving comments before they go public?

Sounds like you%26#039;re going to want a CMS that%26#039;s smart enough to recognize and deal with spam. Unless you really want to manually approve everything.

I%26#039;d go with Drupal, and it%26#039;s add-on spam module...

I need a free, open user, forum for my website (no logins)?

use vbulletin with open Privilege

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Other Replys:visit they have a great support team with a 100 percent uptime. they also offer phpbb and ipb forum hosting. The service is free and worth your time to check out.

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